I will make no bones to say so
Pinch penny house wifery
Come to him like a whistled dog
I made too many mistakes
And I was not trying to not make mistakes with you
Until it was too late
Was I ethical?
I said you give light it’s meaning
You, what meaning is there for the blind
You knowing I am blind
What meaning is meant for the blind
It’s impossible to not love you
But I’m starting to not want you
I can’t not love you
But I am starting to not want you
Why do you hate freedom?
It says
Then I breathe in and smile softly and remember I am free from you
I’m tired of feeling bad
I can’t stand this feeling any longer
So may we be free from we, from us
From our mistakes and folly
And our carelessness and tensions
But may we, I and you become vastly open from within
May our capacity, the volume of our heart be ever expanding
Like a wave with never a shore
Or an ever widening ring
Your arch will be ever rising
These days few as they have been
One day, the fewest of bubbles, on the beach of our lives will recede back into the indigo and we will know forgiveness