It’s like one of those shooting stars that startles you at how long it travels across the sky
It keeps going
And holds you there in complete silence
Every second a small eternity
Across the sky
Keeps going
Then every half second your surprise continues
Then there’s that moment you know it will be the most special of all
Then you know it must end
Then comes the moment that you know it’s gone on longer that any you’ve ever seen
Again disbelief
Then you feel an instant of special uniqueness an uncontrollable gratitude that you are seeing what your seeing
Then it’s so far now that it becomes ever thinner slicing the heavens
And it ends
In a point so impossibly small that it seals your whole world in to itself and you have to decide what to do
How to respond
But you’re left in total silence
And you know there will never be another like that one
And that’s the longest brightest bluest shooting star I’ll ever see