Poems, few.
Ancient smile, worm, You’re just

You have an ancient smile
Like your ancestors have been smiling like that
Just like that
that and it’s brought you all the way through them to me through time
I’ll let this chick inspire me
I’ll find your ancient inspiration
Like your dna has been looking for my dna through the epochs
Inspired by you ancient smile
Like that smile has been through all of time
And more
Like that laugh has laughed just like that
For thousands of years
Now it’s laughing at me
And my smile is part of your smiles
ancient history
ancient past

This creature is a slow-moving worm
Eating through the compost of the world — shedding it’s carapace
on which the rest of the aggregate feeds
This creature knows it will make flowers and melons for the ones above. I don’t mind
staying hidden — processing
all of the heap of material -
this hot heap of both living and dead things
nothing really is dead, is it — only a part of the process of the cycle of living things all
large and small
Nothing is really too small to be a part of this magic garden from which all the delicious
fruits grow
The mythical creature is the humble and straightforward worm — but whose crapass it sheds is
the golden leaf that saints guild their holy books
Think the book of Kels — These Saints these gardeners grow our words
The words are the fruits from which we know the continually expanding imagination of the
source of the sweetness of delightful sugars that fall upon our buds
Electricity flow through our tongues
and our tongues say the stories that have never been said

You’re just a libidonist, Kink Shameinism
dealation — lost its wings
winged virgin queens — alates
Irascible- having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
His terrestrial accounts — W. Faulkner
Isabella I of Castille
That bitch was so rich that I’m still rich from that bitch
Can I just go to Dance and just like love fucking everyone?
I haven’t been.
I haven’t been.
I haven’t been.
I haven’t been.
I haven’t been.
The covalenting arguments
non digital virtuality?
America: a fading hegemony
An upwardly forming intersection of operatives in the areas of personal and private
freedom cultivation : Liberty Futurity of All Peoples
Learn to pronounce
a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
“a permanent diminution in value”
Y ay estamos, como nos amos estado
…Sin mitotes
a•skance ə-skăns′►
adv. With disapproval, suspicion, or distrust.
adv. With a sideways glance; obliquely.
To turn aside, as the eyes.
The will of the machine
It’s the will of the machine
lim·er·ence (lim’ĕr-ents),
Emotional excitement of being in love.
If they’re not helping me grow today, they gotta go today!
If they’re not fucking me, financing me, or feeding me — they don’t matter to me.