What’s the opposite of a tombstone
What’s the opposite of a grave
6 feet of dirt piled skyward
Or a mountain top with two fucking lovers heaving and breathing cold air
What’s the opposite of a headstone
A crib or a cradle
Why do we wait to make an object of our impermanence,
not really ever permanent in all reality
Something to say a person lived, walked,
swam or swum
What’s the opposite of a tomb, is it a house with a bed
or the open meadow so impenetrable with wild flowers and so many stars above, so impossibly numerous that they expand your insides to the point of rupture
Is it Laying on the surface of the indigo sea waves lulling smooth and rolling, lifting and lowering like a ?father, is that what it’s like?
What’s the opposite of the last second, is it the first?
What’s the opposite of your last last living breath,
Is the opposite your birth?